Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Update One: Chicago is FREAKING HOT

...and this is coming from someone who just flew here from Texas.

Here is the newest article I wrote for's about the first yarn shop I ever went into, courtesy of my mom:

I have finished another pattern repeat on the store long as I don't knit it outdoors or at Alex's place, where humidity breeds like mosquitos, I should finish it by Friday.  I also can't knit that thing on public transportation, so I am that much closer to finishing the garment as well.  I got about 40% of the bottom piece done, which is pretty good considering I can knit garter stitch in my sleep.

Speaking of sleep, I keep picturing the shawl I plan on making with the ball of Regia I have in my bag, to the point where I had a dream about it.  I suppose that's god telling me to hurry up and write down what I am thinking!

While I fully accept that knitting conjures up images of grandmama and her twisted hands in some musty-smelling house, I am so glad I have an opportunity to be creative with something other than my singing voice.  It's about time some hobby can physically shut me up (thank goodness for the internet so I can write about it...).

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